You and I have endless questions about the Bible and its contents. How can Jesus be God and human? Why didn’t Jesus defeat Satan in the desert? How did Jesus choose the twelve disciples; why Judas?
Recently Tim Mackie of the BibleProject said, “Scripture is not a tidy, prepackaged encyclopedia of answers freshly stamped with divine approval…our sacred texts are more of a venue for wrestling with God. Like Jacob in Genesis, we are invited to tangle with our Creator in hopes of leaving the encounter - perhaps with a limp in our step - but also with a burning love in our hearts that renames us and makes us new by constantly pointing us towards the person of Jesus.” (Canadian Church Leaders Podcast, January 11, 2021)
Starting this Sunday we are committing the first Sunday of the month to “ASK?” Send your questions ahead of time, or risk waiting until Sunday, and together we will wrestle with them. I will do my best to follow up on questions not addressed during the service. My hope, as we wrestle with Scripture together, is to grow in love with Jesus, one another, and for our neighbour.