“When will this happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” These are questions, asked by the disciples about the destruction of the Temple and effectively the end of the world as they knew it, are also questions kids ask on long road trips! We are people who like to know what is upcoming, often because we like to have a sense of control and be prepared for what lies ahead. Jesus’ answers are vague on the one hand, or specific about vague things on the other. “Earthquakes,” “wars,” “when you see the abomination that causes desolation” (v15), what does this mean? Hasn’t there always been earthquakes and wars? What exactly should we be paying attention to? What are the signs of the times?!?!
In his usual whimsical way, after giving these descriptions, Jesus goes on to elaborate on what he has just said through parables. Despite the disciples' questions, Jesus’ teaching in parables redirects the question back to them, and us, asking, “do you have ears to hear and eyes to see?”
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