Exodus 34:1-10 Biblical Worship Part 2 – who do we worship? - Pastor Tyler Graftaas
As we began our four-part series on worship last week we used Daniel Block’s definition of worship from his book For The Glory of God to answer the question “what is biblical worship?" Block says, "true worship involves reverential human acts of submission and homage before the divine Sovereign in response to his gracious revelation of himself and in accord with his will.” Boiling that down we could say, “worship is the human response to God.” We also briefly looked at the physical, liturgical and dispositional/attitudinal components of worship as found in Psalm 95. Defining worship, however, leads us to our second question, “who do we worship?” This Sunday we will examine the concept of God in general and the biblical understanding in specific as we look at Exodus 34:1-10. Let’s gather together this Sunday as the people of God, to respond to Him in worship with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Peace, Pastor Tyler