Scripture: John 1-1:14
Message: Our Gospel Life: Story
Speaker: Pastor Tyler Graftaas
When I was a kid I loved The Little Engine That Could. Every time I was at my grandparents’ house I would ask grandma to read it to me. I had it memorized, it was always on my mind and shaped how I approached the difficult situations and tasks of a 5-year-old. Throughout the Bible, we are told to have the word of God inside of us in order that we might participate in and share with others the story of God. Each Sunday as we gather for worship we continue to tell His story in the way we interact with one another, pray, read scripture, preach, and more; sometimes we do that well, other times we could be better. This Sunday we will look at God’s story through the eyes of the Apostle John who starts his gospel just like the author of Genesis, In the beginning...
Pastor Tyler