Joshua 6:1-5, 12-21, 7:1 “God's 3rd Law of Motion: Part 1” Late in the 17th Century Sir Isaac Newton published Principia which stated the three universal laws of motion. Together these laws describe the relationship between any object, the forces acting upon it and the resulting motion. The third law, my personal favourite, states, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. This is why balls will never bounce higher than the height from which they were dropped and the pain of running into a brick wall is directly proportional to the speed at which you were travelling when you hit it! Most of us wish that this law of motion also applied to life in general, but experience tells us that this is not the case: hard work does not always equal salary increases, healthy lifestyles do not always equal disease free living, criminals are not always caught. Are there such “laws” that govern life? Can we be confident that when we do “A”, “B” will be the result? As we continue our way through the book of Joshua, the answer is a resounding yes, although the details may not be what we anticipated.