Joshua 5:1-12 An Act of Faith: an inspired response When do you cling to the promises of God? In what circumstances are you willing to pull out all the stops in an act of obedience and faith? For many people, throughout scripture and today, these acts of obedience seem to come in desperate moments, when all other options seem exhausted. When the only option that seems left is a final “Hail Mary!” This Sunday, as we continue to follow the Israelites having finally entered the long awaited Promised Land, we see them display an incredible act of faith when there was no pressure to do so at all. In fact, in carrying out their act of obedience and faith the Israelites actually put themselves in a more vulnerable position which could risk their further advancement into the land. Let’s gather together this Sunday to worship and for fellowship as we examine an act of faith and see how it is really an inspired response.