Psalm 131
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 My heart is not proud, Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.
3 Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.
I recently ran into the mother of one of my best friends. In Grades 1-12 we spent 100s of hours together. He and his family were some of the first to introduce me to the Christian faith. As an adult, he went to China to teach English and share the gospel. In preparation, he learned Mandarin and memorized letters from the New Testament. As his mom and I caught up she mentioned that he had a crisis of faith and no longer believed that God was personal. Maybe you know someone like this; maybe you yourself share similar beliefs.
In our second last message on the Psalms of Ascent, we will examine one of the shortest in the psalter. Like Psalm 130, 131 concludes, “Israel put your hope in the Lord.” But, if a crisis of faith can occur despite growing up in the church, memorizing parts of the Bible, and engaging in missionary service, what hope in the Lord is there? I believe much and I look forward to exploring this together with you!