What image or images come to mind when you think of Heaven? Angels? Harps? Clouds? In the next part of his vision what John sees is nothing short of astonishing. As he peers through a door into the throne room of God - into Heaven itself - John can only exclaim “Behold!” as he sees creatures and elders and angels and people from all over the world proclaiming the glory, majesty, power, and love of God through worship.
What do you think of when you think of Heaven? Does it take your breath away? Does it stir within you a desire to proclaim to anyone who will listen,“Look! God is on his throne and the whole world rejoices!” Does your vision of heaven encourage you in the face of the challenges you face and the news you see on TV? The heaven John sees is a word of encouragement (and warning) to the churches in the province of Asia of his day, because it reminded them of what must take place after this…