Living in the Light of Eternity
I've hit "mid-life." It took me a while to admit, but there is no denying it now. My body aches when I am active, it aches when I am still. I need "help" seeing things in close range (or longer arms). There are wrinkles around my eyes. The list goes on. If I try to live like I'm 20, an injury will result. However, if I live like I am already dead, I will not be living at all. I need to live in light of the stage of life I'm in. When Paul says to the church in Rome, "We were...buried with him (Christ) through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." he is saying, "as a Christian, live in the new reality of who you are becoming because that is who you are called to be!" If we claim to be Christian but continue to live our old "younger" life, we will fail to grow in relationship to Jesus and one another. Alternatively, to live as though we have already finished the race and there is nothing left is to be a dead man walking. As Christians, we are called to live in light of eternity, united with Christ and for the life everlasting, which is exactly where the Apostles' Creed finishes up and what we say we believe.