John 5:1-15 “The Work of The Father” At the end of John’s gospel, he says that if all the things Jesus did were recorded there would not be enough room in the world to contain it all (21:25). As such, in telling his narrative, he limits the signs to seven. In Hebrew culture seven is a sign of divine perfection and what John is saying is that in these seven signs, all you need to know about Jesus, in order to believe, is made known. He starts off well, in the first two signs Jesus’ glory is made known to his disciples and a family comes to believe, but in the third sign things seem to fall apart.. Jesus approaches a man in need, heals him and yet the man goes away without even knowing Jesus’ name. When the man finally understands who gave him this new-found freedom, he then turns Jesus over to the Jewish authorities who want to kill him! This does not seem like belief on the part of the healed man, but rather ungrateful selfishness. Why would John share this story? How is he trying to show us that we need to believe in Jesus? Let’s explore this together as we gather for worship this Sunday. Blessings, Pastor Tyler