HOPE is a word that we use quite frequently as part of our day-to-day conversations or as part of encouragement to one another. We all think that we understand what the word HOPE means, we use phrases such as "I HOPE it rains tomorrow", "I HOPE your family is doing well" or "I HOPE you get that promotion at work". We HOPE in things to either happen or HOPE in things to be true the way that we want them to be. Is it just a word we use or are we supposed to Live in Hope? How would we live in HOPE in a world that is full of pain, circumstances out of our control, or no light at the end of a tunnel?
This Sunday we look at Matthew 1:1-6 as to why a list of names, we normally quickly browse over, have a significant message to us and how Living in HOPE is possible in the times we live in, here and now.
Weyers du Plessis