"Is God's Timing Enough For You?"
Over the last few weeks we have been looking at the challenges of God’s timing - why doesn’t he act when we think he should? Why does he do what he does when he does it? We conclude this series with the question, “is God’s timing enough for us?”
Most of us, if honest, would say that God’s timing is not enough. When we try to manipulate or avoid uncomfortable situations, when we stray because following him is difficult, or when we think he doesn’t see or isn’t present with us, we demonstrate a lack of trust in God’s timing. Despite their proximity to the resurrection of Christ, the Corinthian church struggled with this as well. Near the end of his first letter to them, Paul wants to remind them of the gospel, its implications for life, and, despite centuries of waiting, that it happened according to the scriptures, in God’s perfect and sufficient time.
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