Elijah: I'm All Alone
1 Kings 19:9-18
Hopefulness and despair. Confidence and fear. This is the roller-coaster ride of Elijah’s life in chapters 17-19 of 1 Kings. Despite God demonstrating his sovereignty and power over Baal and Asherah, and revealing Elijah as God’s true prophet, his life is threatened by the queen of Israel who refuses to acknowledge the one true God. Fleeing to the wilderness Elijah sulks, “I am all alone,” it seems nobody cares, there is no hope, and all is lost.
Nearly 3000 years later nothing has changed. Listening to the news and conversations in coffee shops we hear division, discord, and denial of the one true God. Everyone has a strong opinion about daily issues, but very few want to acknowledge the sovereignty of God despite evidence to the contrary. Like Elijah, we might feel alone and out of control. And like Elijah, God’s response to us begins with a question, “what are you doing here…?” and is followed by a mission, and a promise…go, I will never leave you nor forsake you.