The paradoxical question of God’s ability to make a rock bigger than he can lift controls us far too often. We don’t ask ourselves about God making rocks necessarily, but about God’s presence, or call, or voice in our lives. On the one hand we believe “God is everywhere, loves his creation, and speaks to people,” but on the other we think, “he’s not here with me, he doesn’t speak to me, does he really love me?” As we do a brief pass through the time of Israel’s judges we are going to touch on the stories of Gideon, Samson, and Ruth. In a time where God’s people “refused to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways,” (Judges 2:19) God called men and women to lead his people on his mission to the world. He raised up very different people, from very different backgrounds, with very different personalities because no matter who you are, in fear and faith, God’s work in our life is fruitful.