In dealing with wayward children or challenging people in general, I have often heard the phrase “tough love” in conjunction with phrases such as, “I’m doing this for your own good” or, “this hurts me more than it hurts you.” I am sure there are accurate nuances to these phrases, but my general perception is that they are lessons in missing the point. Rather, I would submit, “love is tough.” To truly love another person, takes time, intentionality, resolve, and the grace of God. Sometimes love is helping someone succeed, other times love is letting someone fail in order that they might succeed in the long run. Love often runs counter to our desires and interests because God is love and as sinful human beings, our desires and interests often run contrary to God. So what are we to do? How are we to respond to the difficult and challenging situations and people we face? We are to love. Love is tough, but in view of God’s mercy we are without excuse, we must love our neighbour as ourself.