Scripture: Esther 2:1-18
Message: Esther Part 3: Providence vs. Human Action
Speaker: Pastor Tyler Graftaas
In his second letter to Timothy Paul writes to his disciple, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” If this is true, what are we to make of a story like Esther where a Jewish girl conceals her faith identity on the command of her Jewish cousin, skillfully becomes queen through Levitically unlawful ways, is used as an agent of God in rescuing his people, and then goes on a two day killing spree? Do we say “the outcome justifies the means” and if so, what does that mean for us in our business practices, the way in which we operate as a church, or how we individually follow Jesus in a similarly Gentile world? These tensions ramp up as we examine the providence of God alongside human freedom in Esther part 3.