Luke 2:22-32
Advent Week 2: Seeking and Expecting: The Consolation of Creation
Speaker: Tyler Graftaas
What is it that you seek, and as you seek, what is it that you expect? Simeon, a righteous and devout man of God, sought the consolation of Israel. What he sought was promised to him by the Holy Spirit: that he would see the Messiah, the one who would rescue Israel, in his lifetime. During the Christmas season, we too are seeking something. Too often however that which we seek is often a distraction from what our soul really longs for. Too often we are seeking for the perfect gift for our loved one, the healing of a broken relationship, or “peace on earth and goodwill toward humankind.” Although none of these are bad or wrong, they should not the goal of our seeking, but the result. As we gather this second Sunday of Advent, let us refocus our seeking on the promised Messiah, the true gift, the healer of the broken hearted, the one who is the consolation of Creation