
Hebrews 6:19-7:3, 7:23-28
"As a kid, there were times when I was embarrassed to be in public with my dad. He would do or say things that I just didn’t think were proper. I was associated with him, and in my mind, he represented who I was and who we were as a family. Yet despite any embarrassment or discomfort, he may have caused me, at the end of the day I needed my dad. I could not function or grow up if it wasn’t for his provision, care, support, and many times at the playground and otherwise, protection. His sacrifice of time and resources gave me hope for what my future might look like - he did this by representing me (providing opportunities to participate in sports, school, etc.) and ruling over me (giving instruction, discipline, and more). So too, through his sacrifice, Jesus Christ gives us hope for what today and the future might look like as he represents us before the Father and rules over us as King."  Pastor Tyler