Hebrews 3:1-13
Running Through the Finish Line
I don’t always do a good job of finishing projects around our house. The grout is still undone on our basement stairs and the kitchen backsplash; if you talk to Angela, the list is somewhat extensive. Every time I walk down the stairs or go to the kitchen sink, I am reminded of what is yet to be completed, where the work is not finished. In chapter three of Hebrews, the author is encouraging his listeners to finish the work set before them - to remain faithful to Christ until the end. After establishing in the first chapter, exactly who Jesus is (see Heb 1:2-4 for a reminder) and that he is a greater messenger of the work of God, the author now encourages his readers to remain faithful to Christ until the end and warns them of the consequences if they do not.
“Eternal rest will come,” he says, “but it starts today as we remain faithful to Jesus until all the work he has called us to is done.”