Although I haven’t watched the film in years, clips of the 1966 movie Batman makes me laugh. Nearly everything Batman has incorporates the word “bat.” In the opening scene, Batman and Robin descend to the Batcave, get into the Batmobile, drive to the Batcoper, where they head out over the ocean. Batman then descends down the Batladder where he encounters a shark that attaches to his leg. Calling Robin he asks for the “Shark repellent Batspray” which dislodges the shark from his leg. The writers’ commitment to incorporating “bat” into nearly every noun seems cheesy and laughable, but it also serves as a good illustration for what James is trying to get across to his listeners in this section of his letter: every aspect of who they are and how they conduct themselves should be God-wisdom and God-holiness, they should have God-desires and behave with God-actions, and as such, God-peace will permeate the God-people. I look forward to gathering together with you this Sunday in worship as we continue our journey through James’ letter calling us to be first-fruits of God's kingdom.