Micah 5:1-6, Ephesians 2:13-20
The Bible, specifically the Old Testament, is full of stories of wars. Whether it is God sending his people to destroy other nations, or using other nations to punish Israel, the people of God seem to find themselves in battle often. This has caused difficulty for many over the years, including myself, who want to know why a “God of love and peace” would not only allow but actually command nations to war against each other. However, as we take a step back and see the mission that God has been on since the beginning, we begin to see that war is not the goal, peace is. War has never been the means of achieving the goal, sacrifice is. However, war is the outcome of a reality where peace has not been fully realized. This second Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Peace, we will be examining how we are currently still at war in peace.