To My Child: A love letter
“Stay True”
We are about to embark on an adventure fraught with peril. The risks are high as the topics are controversial: the character of leadership, roles of women and men in the church, how to care for those in need and who should care for themselves, issues of wealth, authority structures, and more. If we are successful, we will feel exhausted and invigorated, primed and ready with a renewed sense of vigour for the next season of ministry.
What challenges are going to be too much for you? Who are you going to invite to join you? What risks are you willing to take? My prayer is that we would wholeheartedly engage with Paul’s letter to Timothy and see it for what it is: a letter of love, rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, beckoning us to release our selfish interest and embrace the One who gives us all we need and desire. Join me as we study and apply Paul’s first letter to his child.
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