One of the fascinating things about the Bible is the repetition of life events from generation to generation. As we’ve looked at the lives of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and this week, Joshua, their lives reflect one another. Adam and Noah both receive the call to be fruitful and multiply, Moses and Joshua, are both called to lead God’s people over a body of water into a new freedom. Abraham called to be a fruitful people, who are called to lead people to the freedom of living in covenant with God. All of these guys are called by God to participate in his mission, all of them fail in many ways. And it is in these failures where we often learn the most about who we are to be and what we are to do as the people of God.
Although not directly in the text (at least not in the book of Joshua), this week we are going to look at what seems to be a failure of Joshua and the people he led. We will see that it is good to choose this day whom you will follow, but without the bigger picture in mind, the following will be short-lived. Let’s join together in worship and learn from Joshua in his failure of focus.