Despite being rescued from the flood, the descendants of Noah followed the wickedness of their ancestors and continued to strive and make a name for themselves. Protecting them from this folly, God disperses humanity and confuses their language. Generations later he would call Abram on a mission to leave his ancestral home and go to Canaan where God would begin to establish a proper relationship with his creation once again.
At 75 years of age and a father to no one, Abram and Sarai pack up their tribe and begin heading west. Within 10 years God would establish a covenant with Abram. 14 years later God would change his name to Abraham (“father of a multitude”). 15 years after that, at 99 years of age, God reiterates his promise of many descendants and a place to call home, this seems incredulous. But it is not. God’s love, his covenant with his people, is not incredulous it is gracious. This same gracious, covenantal love calls each of us out of our sin, and into relationship with him.
I look forward to joining together this Sunday as we worship the God who calls us to live within his covenantal grace.
Pastor Tyler